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Help Support The American-Ethiopian Public Affairs Committee

The American-Ethiopian Public Affairs Committee (AEPAC) is dedicated to promoting a positive, synergetic relationship between the United States and Ethiopia. AEPAC’s core mission is to strengthen and enhance the century-old relationship between the United States and Ethiopia. AEPAC strives to build a strong partnership based on the common interests and mutual benefits of the two countries.

Your support is critical in telling our story to decision makers in Washington, DC and media around the world. At this tense and difficult time in Ethiopia’s history, we need members of the diaspora to speak out, show up, and lead. Join our campaigns in the US.

You can help in a number of ways:

  • Sign up to receive AEPAC’s monthly newsletter and details on our campaigns
  • Write to your local representative. You can find out who your Congressman/Senator is by visiting here: Find Your Representative |
  • Follow AEPAC on social media and like, share, and comment on our posts: Facebook | Twitter
  • Help fund our activity by providing a donation to the cause: Donate to AEPAC


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